
Interventni ukrepi v Avstriji

Izkoristite priložnost in se udeležite webinarja, na katerem bosta podpredsednica SGZ in partnerica pri odvetniški družbi Grilc Vouk Škof, dr. Maria Škof ter mag. Andrej Hren, generalni sekretar Slovenske gospodarske zveze iz Celovca, spregovorila o interventnih ukrepih v Avstriji. Webinar bo moderiral izvršni direktor Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije mag. Samo Hribar Milič.

Poseben poudarek bo na sledečih temah in vprašanjih:

  • Kateri so najpomembnejši interventni ukrepi, ki jih je sprejela Avstrija kot pomoč gospodarstvu pri soočanju z epidemijo COVID-19 in njenimi posledicami?
  • Kakšen je avstrijski model sofinanciranja skrajšanega delovnega časa?
  • Ali je Avstrija uvedla tudi kakšne omejevalne ukrepe pri prehodu mej za gospodarske in zasebne namene? Ali so ti ukrepi še v veljavi?
  • Katere dejavnosti se v Avstriji še vedno soočajo z omejitvami pri poslovanju?
  • Ali so v pripravi še kakšni dodatni ukrepi kot pomoč gospodarstvu pri ponovnem zagonu?

Več informacij in prijava: https://www.gzs.si/koronavirus/Novice/ArticleId/75697/interventni-ukrepi-v-avstriji-pogovor-s-slovensko-gospodarsko-zvezo-iz-celovca


Podim DX 2020

Kdaj: 18.-20.05.2020
Kje: doma - čez splet
skupni jezik: angleški

PODIM je največji tech & startup dogodek v prostoru Alpe Jadran.
Letos bo potekal v diditalni obliki.


Podim, one of Europe`s best tech & startup events, is switching to digital this year.

Join us at Podim Digital Experience - Podim DX, the most influential tech & startup event in the Alps-Adriatic and Western Balkans regions, based in Slovenia, where innovation meets business opportunities, capital, and knowledge.

Podim is the gateway to and from the region for efficient networking, making deals and sharing experience. Podim organisers have adopted to the current Covid-19 situation quickly, therefore Podim ist sticking with the original dates from 18th to 20th of May - and is moving forward by switching to digital!

Hopin platform will be the virtual venue of the Podim DX, that will keep all the elements of our event experience in one place. And efficient online dealmaking among the top selected startups & scaleups, investors, and top business executives will be enabled through the dedicated Podim Deal Room Events platform.

So, who is Podim DX for?

➡️ Startups and scaleups
➡️ Investors, investment funds, VCs, business angels
➡️ Corporates
➡️ Entrepreneurs, startup enthusiasts

Why join Podim DX 2020?

  • Meet most promising hand-picked startups from the region.
  • Connect with 1000 attendees, 100+ investors from all over the globe and 200 corporate partners!
  • Learn from renowned international speakers!
  • Attend lectures, panels, and workshops.
  • Get valuable mentoring opportunities (if you are a startup).
  • Find your new agile business partner (if you are corporate).

Let's embrace new reality together, visit ⏩ podim.org/dx